Earlier this year, on the 1st of January 2014, we had a family reunion... (ummm, I'm not that good in keeping such secrets but that's not the case)  we got home first before other family members arrived.

As we got home Mom gave me a bunch of key which I used to unlock the doors. After I unlocked them I dropped the bunch of keys and my little brother picked it up.  I turned to him and asked him, What is it you are holding? he is a key. Then I asked him what is it used for? He said it is used in unlocking doors. I pulled out one of the key and I asked him...what would you love to be and he said, brilliantly, "an astronaut" I smiled and held up the key to his sight...


People who's problems are cars are buying cars and checking for new models, people who's problems are house are busy building houses, people who's problems are money are rushing after it day after day, people whose problems is just trouble are too serious making trouble, we are just afraid of what we can't understand. people are after fames, what is this whole life all about. Its obvious that we let the devil in when we spit negative, when we kill our brothers with the words we say...

does it really make sense that I say this this way? Even Cater do the worst of it all, I kill too and we know it is wrong to kill but we still do it even when we don't know that our actions and the words we say snips people down to their knees...and do we really enjoy it when people kneel down before us, do we find joy to see people degraded before us and we do nothing to stop it...

Did I just forgot myself? There are people who's problem is money cause they made it to the state that they couldn't control the money they make, they don't even know how much they have in their various bank accounts....


A smile means more than expressing contentment. Certain studies have revealed many ways of using your smile to your very own advantage. People generally smile when they are together but not necessarily because they are happy. People usually smile out of social reasons, and such a smiling mask can render a certain message.

We live in a world where most people follow their very own interests, and its often not easy to find someone to trust. A smiling person always inspires trust. A genuine smile can suggest to other people that one is trustworthy. People who smile are assessed with greater generosity and extraversion, and when people share something good to each other, they usually put on a genuine smile. Even economists consider that smiles are valuable. A smile may increase other peoples trust with approximately 10%.


One evening, on the 11th of Dec 2012, i was coming back from a lecture, hungry and tired. As i walked into my street lane, an Aboki man (malam or mobile shoe menders) ran into me, so weak, dull in his face and afraid...i saw this in his appearance. He pleaded ''PLEASE HUNGRY, PLEASE HUNGRY'' i never understood him quite well in the first place. But i asked him again, drawing my right ear down and close to hear him well, ''WHAT?'' & he drew backward & said again, with a lower, hungry & humble voice ''HUNGRY, HUNGRY'' he was begging in fear and trembling...


One evening after i had a little nap, i dicided to take a walk out. I came across some group of boys playing football along the street. As i watched, a boy played the ball to the post and, proberbly, the ball rolled over the post bar and it raised a conflict between the two groups that the guy who shoot the ball rushed and clamoured but as he blurt, he made a nasty statement, though he was ignorant of his statement, but he shouted "LET ME DIE IF ONLY I LET THIS BE"... i wanted to get into that issue, but i stayed back. i watched carefully and thoroughly to see if actually they agreed to his affirmation and if they don't wether he died as he pladged or not.


While i was coming back from the market on the 13th of October 2012, i stopped at my bus stop and was about paying for the ride. While i pulled out money from my back pocket, i looked at my right side and i saw a ridiculous face of a young boy just like me, standing by the side of the road, waving for a taxi to carry him home. 
At first when i looked at his face, nearly, i couldn't help laughing, But i controled my self. i paid the keke man as he drove away....


Nature never cheats. the creator made nature to nurture his creations.
Perhaps, if you have one eye, look up and you will see someone with two, but don't forget to look down 'cause you'll definitely see someone with none. this tells that Nature never cheats.
Peradventure, you sustained some fractures on your legs, and maybe the doctor said you will be unable to walk again? look out and you will see someone who has no legs nor arms, who lies at a place for long till his been taken away, who fear for how tomorrow will become...


Two friends went to a far country to trade. as they were returning the custom, while inspecting there goods, found out that a country bounded goods was been hidden amongst one of the men goods. Both of them were taken to court, judged, and one was found guilty of smuggling a cocaine into the country. he was sanctioned to be killed by hanging while the other was to be set free as not guilty.
The guilty friend pleaded that he is not guilty of the crime but the judge found him guilty of the crime.