One evening after i had a little nap, i dicided to take a walk out. I came across some group of boys playing football along the street. As i watched, a boy played the ball to the post and, proberbly, the ball rolled over the post bar and it raised a conflict between the two groups that the guy who shoot the ball rushed and clamoured but as he blurt, he made a nasty statement, though he was ignorant of his statement, but he shouted "LET ME DIE IF ONLY I LET THIS BE"... i wanted to get into that issue, but i stayed back. i watched carefully and thoroughly to see if actually they agreed to his affirmation and if they don't wether he died as he pladged or not.

As they strive in battle of who to agree and who not to, he lost the battle and then went back to his post. i laughed inside of me, and i walked into their midst and i stoped the game. i called them all together and i asked them, ''do you know the ground can hear the words you say?'' and they replied ''yes''. i asked again, ''do you know the words you say many days ago live in favour or against you someday?'' and some noded their heads in agreement and i contineued... I called the young boy who got me involved and i asked him, ''WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR GOAL?'' and he replied "they robbed it" and i asked him ''why would you swear with your life when you are not sure?'' he turned to me and said 'i didn't' and the whole group shouted at him ''you did'' it was then he understood the reason i asked them them the questions''.
I know you don't know, i know you don't know when you said these words. it's just a small world and it's just a spots and you sware, what if it's your life or something relating to your academic carrer or even something important in your life?. he was weak that i saw it in his face as it bows. when i noticed he concored, i turned to the group and dismised the gathering and they continued their spots as they repeat his statement continualy in mockery.

sometimes we say words to ourselves, words against poeple around us, words when we are infuriated, raged or annoyed and we care-less for the after-math of the words we say. the truth is that the ground has ears, they hear pronouncements, they hear courses, they hear blessings, they hear cry and they tirst tears... even, they can tirst blood. examine the case of Cane and Abel in the bible. Cane strock Abel his younger brother to death and as the blood flows on the ground the ground couldn't hold it any longer that it allowed it speak for itself. we run short of time that we even forget things we said or did in the past.

#. The strong person is not a good wrestler, rather, the strong person is one who controls himself when he is angry.
#. speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech that you will ever regret.
#. the best fight is ''never angry''.
#. Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than anything on which it is purred.
#. ANGER can make us small in a twinkle of an eye. Anger means ignorance of the future.

Take a tour to your memory then take a pen and write down list of wrong words you could remember, which you said, maybe, to yourself or to someone else. start renouncing them as you listed them. Remember to renounce each one depending on your mood when you earlier made the statement and say it with your voice and not your mind.

Mind you if not the grace of God you can't renounce a word unless you remember the statements. you can't say 'i renounce all' NO! you can only renounce what you remember. and if you are the annoying type then you have to learn to renounce any bad word you say to yourself or others.
A fat lady in a movie was abused by someone that she is a whale and that she is too large. she went into he room, straight to the mirror and started screaming at herself "I HATE YOU!!!". what do you think about this lady, she will continue saying this and hating herself till she realises the power in her tongue...{written by Manuel clouder}...San cata™

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