Don't try to fool yourself, don't try to impersonate when u are not...A tree will always be a tree, a monkey will always be a monkey and A man will always be a man no-matter how weak or strong he grows. One thing we should have in mind is that there is no new man...don't try to create a society that will be equal, where there will be nothing to envy your neighbor. There is always something to envy, The smiles, the friendship, the wealth, the knowledge, the popularity, the riches, sometimes you even envy the poor...
Something you don't have you would want to appropriate... In this world, even in a communistic society, there will always be the rich and the poor. The rich in Gifts and the poor in Gifts, the rich in Love and the Poor in Love, the rich in Life and the poor in Life. All fingers are not equal. Which in the five fingers are you?...San cata™

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice one bro.