People who's problems are cars are buying cars and checking for new models, people who's problems are house are busy building houses, people who's problems are money are rushing after it day after day, people whose problems is just trouble are too serious making trouble, we are just afraid of what we can't understand. people are after fames, what is this whole life all about. Its obvious that we let the devil in when we spit negative, when we kill our brothers with the words we say...

does it really make sense that I say this this way? Even Cater do the worst of it all, I kill too and we know it is wrong to kill but we still do it even when we don't know that our actions and the words we say snips people down to their knees...and do we really enjoy it when people kneel down before us, do we find joy to see people degraded before us and we do nothing to stop it...

Did I just forgot myself? There are people who's problem is money cause they made it to the state that they couldn't control the money they make, they don't even know how much they have in their various bank accounts....
look the other way down, there are people who's problem is how to find anything to eat for the day but we eat three time a day even four sometimes we don't count it and we overfeed ourselves and we care less about others who needs the chrome that falls from our dinning table so badly, we barely understand....

Why do we let their own little pride hide in their shame, why do we act as if we are not the same....sometimes we even lay claims on these peoples property and we call them our, chai we are wicked, we are rude, we selfish when we don't give to them to eat even when they are dying of hunger...we see them cry and we laugh at them....we do all these because we are not part of their problems and we call ourselves brothers? 
Don't call me brother when you don't take care of your brother...I don't think this article has a title but I will cap out a copy of its topic...if no change in me, if no change in you the title still will remain "Brothers By Names".... Created & Composed by San cater

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