Two friends went to a far country to trade. as they were returning the custom, while inspecting there goods, found out that a country bounded goods was been hidden amongst one of the men goods. Both of them were taken to court, judged, and one was found guilty of smuggling a cocaine into the country. he was sanctioned to be killed by hanging while the other was to be set free as not guilty.
The guilty friend pleaded that he is not guilty of the crime but the judge found him guilty of the crime.

He then pleaded to go back to his country land so as to say the last farewell to his family before he dies. The court agreed but on one condition, 'if his friend would agree to stay in his place'. His friend immediately agreed to stay in his place with the condition that if his friend never returns before the execution day then he will be killed...his guilty friend then set off home.
At the day of execution no one saw this friend and this other friend who took his place was disdained and dejected by the act of his friend.
Now it is time for him to be executed, the rope has been hug on his neck and was about been pulled up....then appeared his faithful friend. he ran to him and hugged him, tears filled there eyes even the crowed were marveled at the manner of friends they've see. At seeing this, the judge, with petty in his heart, set both of them free and they went home happily.

Are you a friend, are you truly a friend? what kind of a friend are you? BELLOW YOU MAY SEE A FEW WAYS TO KNOW A TRUE FRIEND.
A true friend never comes on your way unless you are going down.
A true friend is one who say you are a good egg even when you are cracked and rotten.
A true friend will die for you start trying to count then on one hand, you don't need any fingers for they are all one.
A true friend never lies when he sees you going the wrong way.
A true friend will say to you..."have this, i think you need it"....{Story heard and reedited by Manuel clouder}...San cata™

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